Goat Courses
Main Course Content: Livestock

  • This course is targeted at farmers looking to take advantage of the growing cage-free opportunities and optimize their egg production, flock health, and management practices. Learning modules include an introduction to animal welfare and cage-free farming; rearing, monitoring bird health and behavior; biosecurity; disease prevention; and egg productivity.
  • This is a follow-up course after BEE1. The Advanced Beekeeping Course covers modules on Colony Strengthening, Queen Rearing, Swarming and It’s Control and Dearth Season Colony Management.
  • An online course on beekeeping for beginners.
  • We have here 6 online courses on integrated slaughter goat production and management. These are designed for new and existing goat raisers who would like to elevate traditional goat keeping into a profitable slaughter goat enterprise. All these courses are self-study tutorials and are self-paced, allowing you to complete each course according to your schedule.
  • The quail, locally known as pugo, is a small game bird found in both temperate and tropical regions. They do not require intensive and expensive maintenance. As such, raising quails is one of the most promising livelihoods because of the high demand for cheaper eggs and meat.

  • The swine industry is one of the most popular and profitable animal production enterprise in the country as it accounts for 82% of the total livestock production. For aspiring and current pig-raisers to apply better farm management practices, this online course on Swine Management will serve as a guide to do so. The course is composed of 5 modules that discuss production activities starting from farm preparation to marketing of pigs.

    This course is developed and maintained by ATI-ITCPH and ATI-KPMD.
  • If you want to learn the 'ins' and 'outs' of the AI technology, then this course is for you. This online course would enhance your knowledge on all aspects of AI in pigs, from semen collection to insemination.
    It has 5 modules to enable you to understand the processes involved in implementing a successful AI operation.

    Each process is discussed in details and supported with pictures, videos and illustrations to reinforce learning.
    This course is developed and maintained by the International Training Center on Pig Husbandry.
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