Picture of Mizraem Montalban
by Mizraem Montalban - Friday, 8 January 2016, 12:49 AM
hi...i am a 3rd agriculture student and one of my instructor introduced this website...we have a micro project good for 2sem(same as thesis) so i would like to know more that is related to my course and use it for incoming job opportunity....i am a newbie here..am hoping to learn more and more through this webpage...thank u...
Picture of Ladylyn Jose
Re: student
by Ladylyn Jose - Tuesday, 12 January 2016, 11:06 AM
Hi Mizraem,

Welcome to e-Learning for Agriculture an Fisheries! We are glad to see you here. If we can be of further assistance, pls don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you and Happy e-Learning!
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