Picture of irene laygan
by irene laygan - Wednesday, 13 April 2016, 09:57 PM
Hello. one of my fb friends have shared your link. I am a teacher by profession but I'm inclined to being an agriculturist too. It's my personal hobby to cultivate our vegetable garden. I'd like to get more information on growing lowland vegetables. Growing your vegetables saves you from a couple of things including money, harmful pesticides and insecticides, and it would guaranty safe and fresh foods for the family and perhaps additional income too. Im still learning to explore the program... Thank you. More power.
Picture of Ladylyn Jose
Re: myself
by Ladylyn Jose - Thursday, 5 May 2016, 01:26 PM
Hi Irene,
We appreciate your interest in vegetable farming:). We are pleased to inform you that we have Lowland Vegetable Production Teknokits here. For you to download, please click on "Teknokits" tab. You can also be enrolled in some of our courses on crops. You can view the list of courses at the "courses" tab and request the enrollment key from us. Thank you and Happy e-Learning!
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