Picture of Joey Polipol
by Joey Polipol - Sunday, 12 June 2016, 07:33 AM
Hi!I'm Joey Polipol,currently living in Benguet, I learned about your sites from my cousin finishing her course in Agriculture, as I was on the mid of my poultry, I meet lots of problem during the production. And she suggests this sites that could add my knowledge.

Picture of Ladylyn Jose
Re: beginner
by Ladylyn Jose - Thursday, 16 June 2016, 09:18 AM
Hi, Joey!
Welcome to e-Learning for Agriculture and Fisheries:)
We are glad to inform you that we offer here courses on poultry. You can view the list of courses at the "courses" tab and request for enrollment key from us.
If you have queries with regards to farming you can send us message thru Farmers' Contact Center at 0920-946-2474. 
Thank you and Happy e-Learning!
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