Picture of Catheryn Villorente
Online Marketplace for Farmers and Consumers Reopens
by Catheryn Villorente - Thursday, 15 March 2018, 02:05 PM
FilFarmFilFARM is once again open for business! Buyers and sellers can now register or log in for online transactions on agricultural products and needs.

For those interested in organic agriculture, FilFARM also features organic farms across the country and their commodities and technologies.

Developed by ATI-Regional Training Center X, FilFARM can be accessed through www.e-extension.gov.ph/filfarm. See you online!
Picture of Simon Peter Paul Valencia
Re: Online Marketplace for Farmers and Consumers Reopens
by Simon Peter Paul Valencia - Tuesday, 29 May 2018, 12:06 PM
clicking the link www.e-extension.gov.ph/filfarm give me this " 403 FORBIDDEN"

Picture of Maria Regina Zamora
Re: Online Marketplace for Farmers and Consumers Reopens
by Maria Regina Zamora - Wednesday, 22 August 2018, 02:01 PM
same result here. Error message appears saying "403 Forbidden" when trying e-extension.gov.ph/filfarm
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