Picture of Rodney Promentilla
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by Rodney Promentilla - Tuesday, 19 May 2020, 08:59 AM
My friends call me Rodney. I'm an IT guy by profession in all of my working years, and even at my age now, I'm still doing IT work in areas that I really love (simulation/forecasting, solar energy, home/office automation, hydroponic/aquaponic). A DIY person at heart which I guess is the reason why I enjoy IT work so much. Our PH goverment may not be the best in the world, but it was responsible for me to get my college education a long time ago smile. As such, I always do things to share the knowledge that I have learned over the years to the community with the hope that it will improve their lives moving forward. Currently staying in a 3rd class municipality here in South Cotobato which is mainly agricultural in nature, I can share my knowledge of hydroponic/aquaponic in my application development activities, to the community (at least in my purok and barangay) to be self-sufficient in food production. Rodney
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