Picture of Catheryn Villorente
by Catheryn Villorente - Tuesday, 28 July 2020, 04:36 PM
citrus technotipsAll of us—young or young at heart—love citrus fruits for its sweet or sour fruity taste. And you'll certainly love it more when you learn its benefits.
Citrus fruits, like grapefruit, oranges, and lemons, are low in sugar. It is also packed with Vitamin C which is essential for fending off infections like colds and flu as it boosts the production of white blood cells.
The human body does not produce Vitamin C on its own, so be sure to stock up on this by enjoying fruits and vegetables that are rich in this immune-boosting nutrient!
Want to learn more about fruit production? Like and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (@atiinteractive) for more tips on farming, food, and nutrition.

(By: Jayvee Masilang, ATI-ISD)
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