NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Yovina-Claire Pauig - Friday, 14 October 2022, 01:06 PM
EggProd1Explore the opportunities of cage-free farming and learn about egg production, flock health, and management practices.

Enroll now in our latest e-learning offering, Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics developed by the Global Food Partners (GFP) science and technical team in collaboration with Netherlands-based Aeres University of Applied Sciences. The team has decades of experience working with poultry industries across the world on the adoption of best practices in cage-free egg production, including in India, China, Australia, Europe, and Vietnam.

The course features seven modules intending to help you establish a basic understanding of animal welfare and cage-free egg production as well as put the knowledge into your daily practices.

#ishareknowledge #atiinspire
Picture of Cristal Benalla
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Cristal Benalla - Friday, 14 October 2022, 01:58 PM
Good day. I would like to enroll in this course. What are the procedures? Thank you and God bless!

Cristal G. Benalla
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Ephraim John Aquino - Sunday, 16 October 2022, 12:11 PM
Hello! Super interested on this learning course as I'm s starting a backyard chicken production. Please give me an opportunity to enroll in this course. -Ephraim John Aquino
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by I JIVE ESPINOSA - Sunday, 16 October 2022, 05:11 PM
Hi maam/sir i would to enroll this e learning systems.
Picture of Hazel Mae Helido-Mutia
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Hazel Mae Helido-Mutia - Wednesday, 19 October 2022, 12:39 AM
Thank you been waiting for this. I love it. Happy e learning...
Picture of Andhonny Navallo
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Andhonny Navallo - Wednesday, 19 October 2022, 11:31 AM
Good Morning Mam/sir i would like to enrol this course

Picture of Jelian Angcahan
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Jelian Angcahan - Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 03:15 PM
Good day maam/sir, I would like to enroll in this course
Picture of Jelian Angcahan
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Jelian Angcahan - Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 03:15 PM
Good day maam/sir, I would like to enroll in this course
Picture of Jelian Angcahan
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Jelian Angcahan - Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 03:15 PM
Good day maam/sir, I would like to enroll in this course
Picture of Jelian Angcahan
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Jelian Angcahan - Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 03:16 PM
Good day maam/sir, I would like to enroll in this course
Picture of Jelian Angcahan
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Jelian Angcahan - Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 03:16 PM
Good day maam/sir, I would like to enroll in this course
Picture of BRYAN DILAW
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by BRYAN DILAW - Wednesday, 23 November 2022, 10:33 AM
Good morning how can I enroll this course?
I really want to enroll this course.
Picture of BRYAN DILAW
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by BRYAN DILAW - Monday, 28 November 2022, 12:25 PM
How to access the e certificate of completion if we were done for the courses?
Picture of Rodriguez iris
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Rodriguez iris - Wednesday, 25 January 2023, 12:48 PM
Hi ! I'm interesting , how to avail this course?
I'm ex abroad and willing to learn so I can have an opportunity to apply in other country. I hope you can help me thank you

Picture of Thehealth Reviews
Re: NEW eLEARNING COURSE: "Cage-free Egg Production: The Basics"
by Thehealth Reviews - Tuesday, 7 February 2023, 03:46 PM
Thanks for giving us Amazing info.

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