Picture of joe davin abelanio
zero tillage corn farming
by joe davin abelanio - Tuesday, 18 February 2014, 11:53 AM
hi admin,

Good day po,

I am a IT Technicians from private company run in Visayas and mindanao, In seven years as employee i never improved my life style, my 15th and 30th salary is just good for food education of my son, so i was urged some research how start business and was influenced with brother to try start a yellow BT corn from a multi national company who promise high yeild per ha. But during on my actual result on two consecutive croping sad to that i was not able to recover investment... so I would extend my time on online research how to improved my yield in lesser expenses...

more power

joe davin abelanio
Re: zero tillage corn farming
by Marjorie M. Arriola - Monday, 31 March 2014, 01:04 PM
Hi Joe!

Thank you for sharing your experience. What you have gone through is also encountered by most of the  poor farmers. 

Having knowledge on Agriculture and Fisheries (A and F) especially on new innovations indeed helps in creating new ideas on what can be invested in a farm. This way, you'll be reducing the risk of spending too much yet you will earn more. 

Please feel free to browse on our website, download our techno-kits and join some of our discussions here. We're pretty sure, you'll be learning more about A and F here.

For other information, you may also follow us on facebook:

We do hope you find the information that can help you in your research.

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