Picture of sherryl hope  gamol
variable livestock and crop courses please
by sherryl hope gamol - Sunday, 30 September 2012, 10:16 PM
Your offered courses are great but if you can please try and introduce some other livestock ,fisheries and crops courses in ruminant production, dairy farming, mudcrab, sugpo, hydrophonic farming, other varieties of mushroom that can be produced for export like shitake and other types of edible mushroom and if you can please include sources where we can get supplies.like for example, if i want to start a vanda orchid business, where can i get good quality stocks and who are those reputable sellers. or if i want to start button mushroom production how do i go about it and where do i get the spores or planting materials for them.I believe in you guys and i know you can do it.it would be a big help to add these considerations and besides you have the capability to connect potential entrprenuers with the established producers.thanks.

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