Picture of Evelyn Bonsubre
About myself
by Evelyn Bonsubre - Saturday, 20 February 2016, 02:25 PM
I am a teacher in profession but not practicing my course, still connected in school assigned as Community Extension Service Coordinator and handling a small farm of the school. I've been practicing the natural way of farming and able to attend some seminars about it. I am a Volunteer Leader Association of the Philippines member here in Bogo City. my knowledge about e-learning is when I attended the 25th Family Farm Congress in Bohol last April 29, 2015. I am encourage to enroll here in e-learning because I want to extend my learning more on Urban Gardening since the farm I manage is in the heart of the city. I also apply my learning at home for my family to produce healthy foods and ensure safety.
Picture of Ladylyn Jose
Re: About myself
by Ladylyn Jose - Monday, 7 March 2016, 02:45 PM
Hi Evelyn! 

Welcome to e-Learning for Agriculture and Fisheries. We appreciate your interest in learning more on Urban Gardening. If you need further assistance regarding the course, please don't hesitate to contact us.  We hope you'll find more courses that would interest you. 

Thank you and Happy e-Learning!
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