Picture of Karl Christian  Mogueis
Broiler Production
by Karl Christian Mogueis - Thursday, 2 March 2017, 07:54 PM
I am Karl Christian C. Mogueis, graduate of BS in Agricultural Engineering at Central Luzon State University last February 10, 2017. My mother who worked in City Agriculture's Office told me about the e-learning of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI). She told me that I can get certificate of training through online at ATI and then I tried to make an account just early this morning. 
E-learning of the ATI for me is a better way of learning things in agriculture and fisheries through internet. I choose the course Broiler Production because I want to learn how to start a broiler production hoping that some day I can have my own broiler production. I'm hoping that I can pass the requirements and feedback of the course so I can get a certificate. Looking forward that the certificate of the course that will be given by the ATI will be an extra point when I look for a Job. 
Picture of Ladylyn Jose
Re: Broiler Production
by Ladylyn Jose - Monday, 6 March 2017, 10:49 AM
Hi Karl, we are happy to see you online and we appreciate your interest in broiler production. We have more courses for Livestock and Poultry at COURSES tab. You can enroll any course that would interest you. Please request for enrollment key from us for you to access the course. Thank you and Happy eLearning!
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