A Message from the Philippine e-Extension Team | |
Four years ago, the Philippine e-Extension Program was launched with e-learning component as the main highlight, offering five courses as the pioneer offerings of the program. To date, we have a total of 25 courses available here at the elearning portal in collaboration with various government agencies under the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Science and Technology. From merely 336 e-learners in 2007 to more than 9,000 registered users here at the elearning portal, the Program continues to make waves in the A & F sector. More e-learning courses are coming up in collaboration with the state universities and other institutions. The Philippine e-Extension Team owe it all up to all the e-learners, the e-Extension coordinators, and partners from the R & D Sector. For all your unwavering support, MARAMING-MARAMING SALAMAT PO! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ALL! |