Hello I am Laila Cabungcal-Relevo of Batangas.I am a mother of four,a graduate of Commerce Major in Management.I am a License Real Estate Broker too.When I was young I remember I love seeing my lola doing her kamote weeds removal.By the way she is a Ilocana.And as the years go by..I went thru a lot of experience,I am still looking for something that can give me satisfaction.Until last year I started to plant some veges on our garden,banana,kamote,sili,and ube.And wow just this week I harvest my ube and feel that it can give me so much happiness.And absolutely I decided and very inspired to make it grow step by step.And I made up my mind to have a puspose on my community.Right now I want to learn different tips on how to control weeds,pest,and grow different veges and fruit bearing trees.Is there a direct contact where I can buy seedlings?Thank you very much and hoping to meet new friends here.Godbless!