Aspiring Young Farmer from Batangas
by Laila Relevo - Friday, 13 December 2013, 11:53 AM
Hello I am Laila Cabungcal-Relevo of Batangas.I am a mother of four,a graduate of Commerce Major in Management.I am a License Real Estate Broker too.When I was young I remember I love seeing my lola doing her kamote weeds removal.By the way she is a Ilocana.And as the years go by..I went thru a lot of experience,I am still looking for something that can give me satisfaction.Until last year I started to plant some veges on our garden,banana,kamote,sili,and ube.And wow just this week I harvest my ube and feel that it can give me so much happiness.And absolutely I decided and very inspired to make it grow step by step.And I made up my mind to have a puspose on my community.Right now I want to learn different tips on how to control weeds,pest,and grow different veges and fruit bearing trees.Is there a direct contact where I can buy seedlings?Thank you very much and hoping to meet new friends here.Godbless!

Picture of Reynald Cuento
Re: Aspiring Young Farmer from Batangas
by Reynald Cuento - Sunday, 16 February 2014, 07:05 PM
Hi Laila,

I absolutely agree with you, i get the same high with plants!

I am assuming you have the land to farm on since you live in Batangas. I would recommend visiting this website, http://www.geofflawton.com/ , it's an alternative way of farming naturally which I hope you'll find interesting.

Should you need more information and references I can share some to you.
my ideal farmhouzz..
Re: Aspiring Young Farmer from Batangas
by GLENN SUAN - Monday, 17 February 2014, 03:23 PM

Hello Laila,
Looks great ! You must be cooking ube jam..sarap  ..Madalin lang itanim yang ube, camote etc. Yong stem lang nya itanim mo okey n yan. Wla ding pest sa mga pananim n yan. Marami ka pang mggwa like jam, candy, cake and other condiments na pang homebiz you know earning in your spare time at home. 

 "keep post'n"

Picture of Joeven C. Calasagsag
Re: Aspiring Young Farmer from Batangas
by Joeven C. Calasagsag - Monday, 11 May 2015, 02:47 PM
Hi Laila, Thank you for sharing this yummy yam picture :). I know this is somehow overdue but regarding sources of seedlings you may refer to DA-BPI Accredited nursey operator http://www.bpi.da.gov.ph/bpioldsite1/pdf/List-of-PNO-for-CY-2010-2012-as-of-March-4-2013.pdf or you may contact/visit Southern Tagalog Integrated Agricultural Research Center http://da-rfu4a.jimdo.com/research-stations/southern-tagalog-integrated-agricultural-research-center-stiarc/

Thanks and happy eLearning!
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